1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Francisco Cos-Montiel

Senior Research Coordinator

Francisco is Senior Research Coordinator in the Gender Justice Programme of UNRISD. Before taking up this position he had been Senior Research Officer at the United Nations University’s Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility.

Previously Francisco was UNWOMEN’s Economic Advisor for the Asia Pacific Regional Office. His work focused on macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis and the socio-cultural constraints to human agency.

Before joining the UN, he served in the public service in both Mexico and Canada. In Canada, while working at the prestigious International Development Research Centre (IDRC), he spearheaded the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women initiative (GrOW), a five-year research program that generated the most recent evidence on women’s economic empowerment, gender equality, and economic growth in Asia and Africa.

Francisco holds a PhD (gender studies) and an MSc (social policy and planning in developing countries) from the London School of Economics. He speaks Spanish, French, English, Portuguese and Italian.