1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Nadine van Dijk

Former Research Consultant

Nadine van Dijk joined UNRISD in October 2012 to assist Peter Utting in the Social and Solidarity Economy project. Her research interests include wellbeing and sustainable development.

After completing her Bachelors degree in Cultural Anthropology and International Development at the Radboud University (Netherlands), Nadine achieved her MSc in Wellbeing and Human Development from the University of Bath (UK). Her Masters dissertation explored the relationships between voluntary simplicity, or simple living, and wellbeing.

Previously, Nadine co-founded and worked as Volunteer Coordinator for FoodCycle Bath, an NGO which aims to combat food poverty and food waste. Before that she was an intern at Vice Versa magazine for Dutch development professionals and a student representative at the Radboud University.