1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Catherine Agg

Former Research Assistant

Catherine worked on the Institute’s environment and sustainable development project in preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
After receiving her MA in Comparative Literature from University College London, Catherine became editor of the Association of Commonwealth Universities Bulletin, a bi-monthly journal covering international education and development issues. Her research interests includes the causes of ethnic conflict and the nature of national identity, specializing in the former Soviet Union. She previously worked in Moscow and Novosibirsk, and speaks Russian.

While at UNRISD, Catherine participated in various editorial and research projects, and provided written contributions for several publications.

She was co-author of a synthesis of UNRISD research with Peter Utting entitled "People, Power and the Environment: 15 Years of UNRISD Research" (UNRISD, 2002).