1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Jasmine Gideon

Former Collaborating Researcher

Jasmine Gideon was part of the research team for the project Migration and Health in China. At the time of the collaboration she was a Lecturer in and Programme Director of the Development Studies programme at Birkbeck College, University of London. Previously, she was co-editor of the Bulletin of Latin American Research (2008-2011) and External Examiner of the Gender and Social Development postgraduate programmes of the University of East Anglia (2005-2008).
Gideon holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (Development Studies Stream) of Manchester University (2000) and a Masters in Development Studies of the same university. Current research interests include health sector reform from a gender perspective, access to health care among low-income migrants and social and economic rights. Her regional specialism is Latin America with specific focus on Chile.