1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Sebastian Benedikt Weishaupt

Former Intern (Research)

Sebastian Weishaupt joined UNRISD in March 2020 as a Research Intern. He assists Senior Research Coordinator Katja Hujo with the Social Policy and Development Programme and is primarily engaged with the project “Integrated Solutions to Protracted Displacement”.

Sebastian is currently in the final year of the MSc International Development Studies at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. His research interest is focused on humanitarian aid and forced displacement. As part of his studies, he conducted ethnographic fieldwork on Lesvos, Greece, to explore the complex challenges that shape the aid environment at Europe’s borders. Sebastian also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business from the Management Centre Innsbruck in Austria and worked with different organizations on a range of issues. For example, he was part of the monitoring and evaluation department of a humanitarian INGO in Uganda.