1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Bill Rau

Former External Coordinator

Bill Rau collaborated with UNRISD as External Co-ordinator, with Joe Collins, of the project on Politics and Political Economy of HIV/AIDS. At the time of his association with UNRISD, Bill was an independent consultant with over 12 years of experience in the design and evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes. He has worked on identifying the linkages between the impact of HIV/AIDS on development and using a development perspective to plan mitigation activities.
He has carried out research and published on linkages between HIV/AIDS and child labour for the International Labor Organization, on NGO and local community responses to HIV/AIDS for UNRISD (under the Institute's earlier project on HIV/AIDS and Development), and on the policy responses of governments and businesses. He has provided technical assistance in numerous countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America on HIV/AIDS strategic planning, HIV/AIDS policy development, and HIV/AIDS prevention planning for private sector workplaces.

Prior to his work in the field of HIV/AIDS, he worked on food security issues. At Bread for the World, he developed the first global report on world hunger. He also worked for six years in Zambia, in adult education, public health training, and rural development.

Bill received his Ph.D. in African History from the University of California, Los Angeles.