1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Tristan Stubbs

Former Collaborating Researcher

Tristan Stubbs collaborated with UNRISD on the project Social Dimensions of Green Economy and Sustainable Development (2011-2012). For the project he spoke at the UNRISD conference on the issue held in October 2011 and authored the paper, Incentives to Promote Green Citizenship in the Transition to a Green Economy – a case study of the UK Transition Towns in Development (Volume 55, Number 1).At the time of his collaboration with UNRISD, he was Climate and Development Knowledge Network Global Communications Officer at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), United Kingdom, where he also conducted research and provided communications advice for the Climate Change, Environment and Forests, and Research and Policy in Development teams. Prior to ODI, he worked as a researcher at two democratic reform think tanks, where he published widely on citizenship, civic renewal and participatory democracy; his work has been cited by the United Kingdom government and parliament.