Bill Baue
Collaborating Researcher
Bill Baue, an internationally recognized expert on Thriveability, Sustainability Context, and Online Stakeholder Engagement, is a co-founder of r3.0, Sustainability Context Group, Sea Change Radio, and Currnt. He currently serves as Senior Director of r3.0, where he oversees the Blueprint Projects that are crowdsourcing redesign templates for the fields of reporting, accounting, data, new business models, sustainable finance, and value cycles. He is also currently leading the establishment of the Global Thresholds & Allocations Council, and is undertaking research for the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in addition to UNRISD. Bill Baue has worked with organizations across the sustainability ecosystem, including Audubon, Cabot Creamery Coop, Ceres, GE, Harvard, United Nations Environment Programme, Walmart, and Worldwatch Institute. He serves on the Technical Advisory Group of the Science Based Targets initiative, and as a Senior Advisor to Preventable Surprises.