1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Susanne Gjonnes

Former Intern (Research)

Susanne joined UNRISD in May 2015 to work on the projects "New Directions in Social Policy, Alternatives from and for the Global South", "Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies" and "Social Policy in Post-Conflict Settings".

Susanne was then pursuing an Erasmus Mundus MA in Public Policy jointly awarded by the Central European University and the Barcelona Institute of International Studies. Prior to this, she obtained a BSc in International Relations and Spanish from Aston University and an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics. Previously, Susanne has undertaken study exchanges to Costa Rica, Cuba, Spain and South Korea.

She has previous experience as an intern for the Bretton Woods Project in London. Her main interests are domestic resource mobilization and the ways in which emerging economies integrate social policy with economic policy.