1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Nadia Baghdadi

Former Collaborating Researcher

Nadia Baghdadi collaborated with UNRISD for the project The Political and Social Economy of Care. As part of the Swiss team, she carried out research on care-work arrangements of parents in the context of family policies and extra-familial childcare provision. She authored the Switzerland Research Reports 3 & 4 (draft). At the time of her collaboration, she was the junior coordinator of the international office at the Department of Social Work at the FHS St.Gallen, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.Nadia has an MA degree in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. She carried out PhD research at the Department of Geography at the University of Bern and at the School of Health and Social Sciences at Middlesex University, London on immigrant women of middle eastern background. Her areas of research interest include care, migration and gender, postcolonial and feminist approaches, qualitative and participatory methods.