1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Amanda Sloat

Former Research Assistant

Amanda Sloat was a Visiting Research Fellow at UNRISD from February-April 2004. She assisted Shahra Razavi with the UNRISD ‘Policy Report on Gender and Development’.
Amanda was from the Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research at Queen’s University Belfast (UK). At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, she served as academic coordinator of an EU-funded research project, which was jointly managed with the Centre for the Advancement of Women in Politics, on ‘Enlargement, Gender and Governance: The Civic and Political Participation and Representation of Women in Central and Eastern Europe’.

Amanda has a PhD in Politics from the University of Edinburgh, which focused on the establishment of and challenges to multi-level governance. She has taught courses on European politics, delivered lectures to European and American civil servants on UK constitutional reform and European governance, and presented papers at numerous academic conferences. She assisted the European Commission with the preparation of its ‘White Paper on European Governance’, advised the Scottish Parliament's European Committee during its governance inquiry, and worked with the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Committee for Finance and Personnel.

Selected Publications
Scotland in Europe: A Study of Multi-Level Governance (Bern: Peter Lang, 2002); ‘Where are the Women? Female Political Visibility in EU Accession States’ (Transitions, Forthcoming 2004); ‘The Preparation of the Governance White Paper’ (Politics, 2003); ‘The Impact of Europeanisation on Regional Governance: A Study of Catalonia and Scotland’ with Elisa Roller (Public Policy and Administration, 2002); ‘An Actor-Centred Approach to Multi-Level Governance: Expectations of Scotland’s Role in Europe’ (Regional and Federal Studies, 2002).