1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Marc Rwabahungu

Former Research Assistant

Marc Rwabahungu assisted Krishna Ghimire on his project titled Grassroots Movements and Initiatives for Land Reform, in his capacity as Research Assistant at UNRISD from 1999 to 2000. He wrote a chapter on "Tenurial Reforms in West and Central Africa: Legislation, Conflicts and Social Movements" that appeared in the book entitled: Whose Land? Civil Society Perspectives on Land Reform and Rural Poverty Reduction: Regional experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America, co-published by IFAD, The Popular Coalition and UNRISD.
During the course of his work at UNRISD, he prepared a book entitled: Au coeur des crises nationales au Rwanda et au Burundi: La lutte pour les ressources (2004, co-published with L'Harmattan, Paris).