1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Ibrahim Saïd

Former Research Analyst

Ibrahim Saïd joined UNRISD in February 2016 to assist on a research project investigating social and solidarity economy as a means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ibrahim is currently completing his PhD in Anthropology and Sociology of Development at the Graduate Institute in Geneva where he was a recipient of the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students. He also has a master’s degree from the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford, which he completed in 2009.

Prior to joining UNRISD, and for the past three years, Ibrahim was a teaching assistant at the Graduate Institute in Geneva for both Masters programmes in Anthropology and Sociology of Development and Development Studies. He was also the assistant coordinator for the Applied Research Programme on Sustainable Development.

Ibrahim has a diverse work experience both on national and international levels in policy-oriented research, gender, human rights, child protection, youth empowerment, micro-finance and labour market integration.

Ibrahim’s research interests are on mentalities of government, politics of life and death, moral economy, and in methodology and epistemology