1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Meri Koivusalo

Former Collaborating Researcher

Meri Koivusalo collaborated with UNRISD for the project Commercialization of Health Care: Global and Local Dynamics and Policy Responses, 2001-2004, for which she co-authored the UNRISD/Palgrave volume Commercialization of Health Care: Global and Local Dynamics and Policy Responses, 2005 and wrote a draft paper Health Systems and Commercialization: In Search of Good Sense.
At the time of this collaboration, Koivusalo was a senior researcher at the Finnish National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) programme on Globalism and Social Policy. She is a medical doctor with a PhD in the area of public health and health policy.

Her publications include: Koivusalo M. "Health Systems, Solidarity and European Community Policies" (2003) In: Sen K (ed): Restructuring Health Services: Changing Contexts & Comparative Perspectives, Zed Books, London; Koivusalo M. "Assessing the Health Policy Implications of WTO Trade and Investment Agreements" (2002) In: Lee K (ed) Health Impacts of Globalization: Towards Global Governance, Palgrave, Basingstoke; Ollila E, Koivusalo M. (2002) "The World Health Report 2000: World Health Organization Health Policy Steering off Course - Changed Values, Poor Evidence, and Lack of Accountability". International Journal of Health Services, 32: 503-514.