1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Marcus André Campelo de Melo

Former Collaborating Researcher

Marcus André Melo has collaborated with UNRISD for a number of projects. In 2012 he joined the research team for the project Universalization of Social Security in Emerging Economies (2012-2013). He was previously a member of the Brazilian country-level research team for project Poverty Reduction and Policy Regimes (2007-2010) for which he wrote a paper on Organized Interests, Development Strategies and Social Policy in Brazil as part of the country-level research team. He was also involved in the flagship report Combating Poverty and Inequality (2010) for which he wrote a background thematic paper, Democracy, Social Spending and Poverty. He has published widely on governance, participation and institutions in Brazil.
At the time of his most recent collaboration with UNRISD, Melo was Director for the Center for the Study of Public Policy (NEPPU), Brazil. He holds a BA and MSc from Universidadae Federale de Pernambuco, Brazil, and a PhD from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom.

Selected publications include:
Melo, Marcus, James Manor and Njuguna Ngethe (2012) Against the odds: Institutions, politicians and the struggle against Poverty, Columbia University Press/Hurst

Melo, Marcus and C. Pereira (2010) “Delegation Dilemmas: Coalition Size, Electoral Risk, and Regulatory Governance in New Democracies” Legislative Studies Quarterly, v. 35