1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Virginia Rodríguez

Former Research Assistant

Virginia Rodriguez was a research assistant at UNRISD. She was from 1999 to 2003 involved in a variety of projects and research activities, including the project on Social Policy in a Development Context, undertaken by the Institute's Director.
When Virginia joined UNRISD in January 1999, she assisted in preparing the follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development that took place in Geneva, in 2000. She also participated in the Geneva 2000 publication “Visible Hands: Taking Responsibility for Sustainable Development”. During 1999-2000, Virginia worked for the project on Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development. She has also assisted in the co-ordination and organization of various UNRISD meetings and conferences.

Virginia studied political science and development studies. While studying, she worked as a politologist for the Basque Country University and the Alonsotegui Townhall and worked as a pollster for some university projects.

She co-authored an UNRISD occasional paper with Thandika Mkandawire on Globalization and Social Development After Copenhagen: Premises, Promises and Practices.