1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Deniz Kandiyoti

Former Collaborating Researcher

Deniz Kandiyoti collaborated with UNRISD for the project Agrarian Change, Gender and Land Rights (2000-2002). Kandiyoti authored four UNRISD papers: How to Get it Wrong in Rural Uzbekistan: An Ethnographic Critique of Household Survey Categories (1999), Agrarian Reform, Gender and Land Rights in Uzbekistan (2002), Post-Soviet Institutional Design, NGOs and Rural Livelihoods in Uzbekistan (2004), The Politics of Gender and Reconstruction in Afghanistan (2005). She was also part of the advisory group on the project Religion, Politics and Gender Equality (2007-2009).

At the time of her collaboration, Kandiyoti was a Reader at the Department of Development Studies and Chair of the Centre of Contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK. She is the author of Women in Rural Production Systems: Problems and Policies (1985); Concubines, Sisters and Citizens in 1997, editor of Women, Islam and the State (1991) and Gendering the Middle East (1996).