1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Sandhya Srinivasan

Former Collaborating Researcher

Sandhya Srinivasan collaborated with UNRISD for the project Politics and Political Economy of HIV/AIDS in 2006. For this project she wrote a paper, Liberalization and HIV in Kerala. At the time of her collaboration, she was a freelance journalist and consultant. She holds Master's degrees in public health and in sociology, and wrote on health and development issues for the Inter Press Service, among other publications and web sites.
She was named Panos Reproductive Health Media Fellow in 1998 for the subject “Infertility and Health Services in India”, and in 2002 she was awarded an Ashoka Fellowship to support her work in medical ethics.

She held the position of executive editor of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, the journal of the Forum for Medical Ethics Society, where she has focused on developing a platform for discussion between health professionals and other sections of society. She was also a member of two institutional review boards, and on the editorial board of Developing World Bioethics.