1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Moira Faul

Former Visiting Fellow

Moira joined UNRISD as a Visiting Fellow in September 2015. Previously, she successfully led a UK Research Councils-funded programme on knowledge exchange between research and policy at CSaP (University of Cambridge). She has successfully completed international consultancies for organisations in the academic, government, private and voluntary sectors, including Arup International, the Belgian government, UNESCO, and ActionAid.

In her previous role as Oxfam GB’s Head of Education and Youth Policy (UK), she led an extensive programme of policy research and advocacy. Prior to this, she worked in senior managerial roles in the private sector in China and Spain. Originally from Zimbabwe, she completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge (2013). She also holds a PGCE from the University of Oxford (1996) and two MScs from Southampton University, in International Relations (2009 & 2001, with distinction). Her working languages are English, French and Spanish.

While at UNRISD, she will be completing a monograph on ‘partnership’ in international development. Many studies of 'partnership' investigate the formal rules that include new development actors and assume the mitigation of existing power inequalities. She argues that, more often than not, development ‘partners’ informally depart from these formal rules and relationships. Behind formal ‘partnership’ lies a dense network of informal governance relationships and practices that require investigation in order to understand how partnership works, and prescribe effective policy and practice solutions.

Selected publications
  • Faul, M. V. (in press) Why global development aid networks are hierarchical not flat; and what to do about it. Global Policy Journal.
  • Faul, M. V. (2014) Future-imperfect: How future global education goals may be constrained by contemporary policy practices. International Journal of Education and Development: 39: 12-22.
  • Cremin, H. and Faul, M. V. (2011) Governing citizenship education. In Arthur, J. and H. Cremin (eds.) Debates in Citizenship Education. London: Routledge.
  • Faul, M. V. (2007) Reframing education. Development Education Journal. 13 (3), 9-12.

  • Faul, M. V. and d’Angelo, C. (2015) (ed.) ‘Data science and public policy’: Policy challenges briefing. Cambridge: Centre for Science and Policy.
  • Faul, M. V. and Lee, S. J. (2015) (ed.) ‘Ageing and public policy’: Policy challenges briefing. Cambridge: Centre for Science and Policy.
  • Faul, M. V., Mali, U. and Leith, G. (2014) (ed.) ‘Cities in a changing climate’: Policy challenges briefing. Cambridge: Centre for Science and Policy.
  • Faul, M. V. and Szifris, K. (2013) (ed.) ‘Behavioural insights into emergency planning and response’: Policy challenges briefing. Cambridge: Centre for Science and Policy.
  • Faul, M. V., Prandle, A., and Short, A. (eds.) (2009) ‘Provocation papers in global citizenship’. Oxford: Oxfam.

  • Faul, M. V. (2015) ‘Policy and advocacy for urban climate change resilience’ (UCCR). Prepared for Arup International and the Rockefeller Foundation as a contribution to the Asian Cities Climate Change Network (ACCCRN) http://acccrn.net.
  • Faul, M. V. and S. Packer (2014) ‘The role of global EFA architectures’. Background paper prepared for the Global Monitoring Report 2015, Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges. Unesco: Paris. Available from: http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/report/2015/education-all-2000-2015-achievements-and-challenges#sthash.upNHFBoV.dpuf pp27-29.
  • Faul, M. V. (2008) ‘Foreword’. In Parker, J. and R. Wade (eds.) Journeys around Education for Sustainability. London: London South Bank University.