1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Maureen Mackintosh

Former External Coordinator

Maureen M. Mackintosh was the External Research Co-ordinator for two UNRISD projects: Commercialization of Health Care: Global and Local Dynamics and Policy Responses and on Globalization, Inequality and Health Care, 2001-2004.
Maureen is Professor of Economics at the Open University in London. Her specialization covers economics of public services and social sector markets, and development economics.

She has published numerous articles in journals and written books on health care and social provision. Her publications include "Flexible contracting? Economic cultures and implicit contracts in social care" in Journal of Social Policy, 29(1), 2000; Mackintosh, M and P. Tibandebage "Inclusion by design: Rethinking health care market regulation in the Tanzanian context" in Journal of Development Studies; Tibandebage, P and Mackintosh, M "Institutional cultures and regulatory relationships in a liberalising health care system: a Tanzanian case study" in Heyer, J, Stewart, F. and R. Thorp (eds). Group Behaviour and Development, Oxford University Press; Mackintosh, M and Gilson, L (fortcoming 2002). "Non-market relationships in health care" in Heyer, J., Stewart, F. and R. Thorp (eds). Group Behaviour and Development, Oxford University Press.