1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Renu Khanna

Former Collaborating Researcher

Renu Khanna is an External Advisor for the UNRISD research project When and Why Do States Respond to Women's Claims? Understanding Gender-Egalitarian Policy Change in Asia.
Khanna collaborated with UNRISD for the cooperative project with the Ford Foundation “Women’s organizations in the Asia region and the post-MDG process” (2012). For this project, she interviewed a number of women’s organizations in India and authored a research report on Indian women’s organizations’ work and engagement with both transnational actors and post-2015 processes, and attended a workshop in Indonesia to present her research findings.

At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, Khanna was a founding trustee of SAHAJ - Society for Health Alternatives in Gujarat, India. She has an MBA from the Faculty of Management Studies at Delhi University, and is a joint convener of the People’s Health Movement, a Steering Committee Member of the Coalition for Maternal Health and Safe Abortion, and a Member of Medico Friend Circle. She was an Erasmus Mundus scholar and taught in KIT Amsterdam and QMU Edinburgh in 2008.

Other notable publications by Renu Khanna include:

Khanna, Renu, Mira Shiva and Sarala Gopalan (eds). 2002. “Towards comprehensive women’s health programmes and policy.” SAHAJ for Women and Health (WAH!). Voluntary Health Association of India, New Delhi.

Khanna, Renu et al. 1997. Touch Me, Touch Me Not: Women, Plants and Healing. Shodhini: A Alternative Women-Centred Health Care Approach. Kali for Women, New Delhi.