1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Roberto Gerhard

Former Collaborating Researcher

Roberto Gerhard joined UNRISD in October 2008 as a visiting fellow. He was collaborating with Shahra Razavi and the Gender and Development team conducting a study on the Federal Day Care program in Mexico. He used to work for the Mexican Ministry of Social Development as head of department in the mentioned program. The objective of his study was to test whether the program has reached the regions where it was most needed and if it has helped in promoting women’s empowerment.
At the time of his term, Roberto was finishing the Managing Global Governance Training Program given by InWent and DIE to whom he would present the results of his study, as well to the Ministry of Social Development in Mexico. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Political Science and International Relations by the CIDE (Center for Research and Teachings on Economics).
Previously Roberto worked in Patricia’s Mercado presidential campaign (the only woman candidate running for the Mexican Presidency) as campaign coordinator’s advisor and for the Mexican Presidency Political Analysis team as research assistant.

His main research interests include gender and empowerment, political campaigns and electoral analysis, political actors analysis and statistical methods.