1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Bina Agarwal

Former Board Member

Bina Agarwal is Professor of Economics and, from September 2009, Director of the Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi. Educated at the Universities of Cambridge and Delhi, she has held distinguished positions at many universities in the USA and UK, and has lectured worldwide.

Her nomination to the UNRISD Board was approved by ECOSOC in July 2009.

She has held a number of international and national posts, among which are: Vice-President of the International Economic Association; elected the first Southern President of the International Association for Feminist Economics; served on the Board of the Global Development Network; and founder member of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics.

An economist with a keen interest in interdisciplinary and intercountry explorations, Ms. Agarwal’s publications include eight books and numerous professional papers on a range of subjects: land, livelihoods and property rights; environment and development; the political economy of gender; poverty and inequality; law; and agriculture and technological change.