1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Juliana Martinez Franzoni

Former Collaborating Researcher

Juliana Martinez Franzoni collaborated with UNRISD for the projects on Poverty Reduction and Policy Regimes (2007-2010) and on Political and Social Economy of Care (2006-2009). She authored “Political and Social Economy of Care in Nicaragua” (2010), wrote on Welfare Regime, Social Services and Poverty Reduction, participated in the Methodological Workshop (2007) and coordinated the Costa Rican research team. In October 2012 she presented a seminar Catching Up with the “Quiet Revolution”? Work-Family Policies in Latin America with Merike Blofield as part of UNRISD’s Seminar Series. At the time of her most recent collaboration, Franzoni worked at the Institute of Social Research, University of Costa Rica. She holds a PhD degree in Sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, USA.

Juliana Martinez Franzoni has written extensively on welfare reform and development in Costa Rica, including “Limits to Costa Rican Heterodoxy: What Has Changed in the Switzerland of Central America?”, “What are Welfare Regimes in Latin America? Shared and Distinctive Features of Markets, States and Families;” "Costa Rica’s Pension Reform: A Decade of Negotiated Incremental Change", “Las reformas inconclusas: pensiones y salud en Costa Rica” (co-authored) and “Veinticinco Años de Cuidados en Nicaragua: Poco Estado, Poco Mercado, Mucho Trabajo No Renumerado” (co-authored).