1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Diletta Carmi

Former Intern (Research)

Diletta joined UNRISD on June 2015 to work within the Sustainable Development Programme on the social implications of environmental and climate policies.

Diletta has recently completed Glocal, an International Development MA programme at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Prior to this, she graduated with honours from the University of Siena, Italy, where she obtained a BA in Anthropology and her Bachelor’s thesis was published. During her undergraduate studies, she spent a term at the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France, in the frame of the Erasmus Programme.

As part of her Master’s, Diletta interned with Care Ethiopia. Based in East Hararghe Field Office, she worked within a food security and market access project targeting chronically food insecure women in a drought-prone area. During her stay, Diletta mainly dealt with M&E and research. More specifically, she carried out an independent research project aiming at understanding how drought is differently experienced by women and men.

In the past, Diletta focused on various issues related with the coexistence of the Catholic majority and the Jewish minority in Italy. Her main interests are climate change, disaster risk reduction, and gender and development.