1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Fareda Banda

Former Collaborating Researcher

Fareda Banda was collaborating with UNRISD on the Think Piece Series “Let's Talk about Women's Rights: 20 Years after the Beijing Platform for Action”. She wrote a think piece with the title "Achievements and Challenges in Gender Equality in International Human Rights Law: The Last Twenty Years".
At the time of this collaboration, she was Professor of Law at SOAS, University of London. She holds a DPhil from University of Oxford and BL Hons, LLB, University of Zimbabwe, 1988. She was a Hauser Global Visiting Professor at NYU in 2009 and 2014. She has also taught in Harare, Kampala, Onati and Oslo and continues to teach women’s rights on the Oxford human rights summer programme. Her publications include Women, Law and Human Rights: An African Perspective (2005); Gender, Minorities and Indigenous Peoples with Christine Chinkin (2004), a number of book chapters and articles on international human rights, women and family laws and a report for the UN OHCHR Mechanism to Address Laws that Discriminate against Women. She is co-editing (with Lisa Fishbayn) a book on Gender, Religion and Equality to be published by Routledge.