1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Anne Phillips

Former Collaborating Researcher

Anne Phillips collaborated with UNRISD for the projects Gender Justice, Development and Rights (2000-2002) and Religion, Politics and Gender Equality (2007-2009) for which she authored two publications Multiculturalism, Universalism and the Claims of Democracy (2001), A Debate on the Public Role of Religion and its Social and Gender Implications (2009). At the time of her collaboration, Phillipes was a Professor of Gender Theory and Director of the Gender Institute at the London School of Economics, UK. Her publications include Engendering Democracy (Polity Press, 1991), Democracy and Difference (Polity Press, 1993), The Politics of Presence: The Political Representation of Gender, Ethnicity and Race (OUP, 1995) and Which Equalities Matter? (Polity Press, 1999).