1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Nana Apt

Former Collaborating Researcher

Nana Araba Apt collaborated with UNRISD on the project Ageing, Development and Social Protection 2001-2003. At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, she was Director of the Centre for Social Policy Studies at the University of Ghana, Legon, and was former Head of the Department of Sociology at the same university. Her areas of research and publications focus on ageing and old age, the family as a support system, gender and gender roles.
In 1999, she received an Award of Recognition from the United Nations Secretary General for her research and advocacy work on ageing in Africa. She was a Board Member of HelpAge International and President of the African Gerontological Society. She was also a member of the United Nations Expert Group responsible for drafting the document for the World Assembly on Ageing.