1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Cristina Gomes da Conceição

Former Collaborating Researcher

Maria Cristina Gomes da Conceição collaborated with UNRISD for the project Ageing, Development and Social Protection, 2001-2003. At the time of her collaboration, she was Professor-Researcher at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO-Mexico) and Consultant for the Population Council of Mexico and the Caribbean.
Her publications include "Household and income: Ageing and gender inequalities in urban Brazil and Colombia" (Journal of Developing Societies, forthcoming 2002); "Households income structure and social policy in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia", in the forthcoming volume Exclusion and Engagement: Social Policy in Latin America (London, 2002); "México - un país de jóvenes, en rápido proceso de envejecimiento, participación laboral, pensiones, discapacidad y uso de servicios de salud" in the volume Políticas Públicas en América Latina (UNAM, forthcoming 2002), "Life course, households and institutions" (Journal of Comparative Family Studies, forthcoming 2002); "Hogares e ingresos en tres generaciones de jefes y jefas en diferentes contextos institucionales" (Revista de Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México, 2001); and "Condiciones socioeconómicas de la tercera edad" (DEMOS, 2001).