1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Neelesh Kulkarni

Former Collaborating Researcher

Neelesh Kulkarni collaborated with UNRISD for the project Commercialization, Privatization and Universal Access to Water (2003-2004). For which, he wrote a draft paper entitled: An assessment of water sector reforms in the Indian context: The case of the state of Maharashtra.
At the time of his collaboration with UNRISD, he was Director of Primove Consultants and was a member of the Council for Equitable Water Rights, which is based in Pune. Kulkarni is an engineer by training. He has been working for the past 14 years with Government and non government organisations to advocate for participatory water management in different parts of the country. He specialises in assessment, design, construction, supervision, rehabilitation, extension operation and maintenance of participatory water management and drinking water supply projects.

He has a wide range of experience in working at all levels, from national policy level to field level project implementation. He has also worked at policy level in application of electronics and IT for social and rural development in Mumbai, Maharashtra and at National level in New Delhi, India.