1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Du Peng

Former Collaborating Researcher

Du Peng collaborated with UNRISD for the project Ageing, Development and Social Protection 2001-2003. At the time of his collaboration, Du Peng was Professor and Deputy Director at the Population and Development Studies Center, and Deputy Director of Center on Ageing Studies at Renmin University of China.
Previously, he was Visiting Scholar at the Center for Ageing Studies, Flinders University in Australia for two years. He is the author of Ageing Issues and Policies in the European Union, 2000, Who Will Provide for the Chinese Elderly? 2000, Chinese Elderly in the Ageing Process,1996, The Process of Population Ageing in China, 1994, and the co-author of Social Gerontology,1999 and The Ageing of Population in China, 1991.