1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Marie J. Bouchard

Collaborating Researcher

At the time of collaboration, Marie J. Bouchard was a full professor at Université du Québec à Montréal. President of the Scientific Commission on Social and Cooperative Economy of CIRIEC International, she was also chairing the Technical Working Group on Cooperative Statistics of COPAC (ICA, ILO, FAO, UNDESA, WFO). She was head of the research stream on Collectives Enterprises at the Center for Research on Social Innovations (CRISES). She was scientific leader of a knowledge transfer project on social impact measurement for the social and solidarity economy, with Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS). She was appointed to the Co-creation Steering Group for the Canadian government Strategy on Social Finance and Social innovation (2017-2018). She was chairholder of the Canada Research Chair on Social Economy (2003-2013) and co-director-university of the Community Habitat group of the Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) on Social Economy (1999-2010). Marie Bouchard has (co)authored many works, among which: Conceptual Framework for the Purpose of Measurement of Cooperatives and Its Operationalization (International Labour Organization, Geneva); The Worth of the Social Economy and The Weight of the Social Economy, an International Perspective (PIE Peter Lang, Brussels); and Innovation in the Social Economy, the Québec Experience (University of Toronto Press, Toronto).