1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Raewyn Connell

Former Collaborating Researcher

Raewyn Connell was collaborating with UNRISD on the Think Piece Series “Let's Talk about Women's Rights: 20 Years after the Beijing Platform for Action”. She wrote a think piece with the title "Gender Norms: Are they the Enemy of Women’s Rights?" together with Rebecca Pearse.
At the time of this collaboration, Raewyn Connell was Professor Emerita at the University of Sydney, and one of Australia's leading social scientists. Her recent books are Southern Theory (2007), about social thought beyond the global metropole; Confronting Equality (2011), about social science and politics; and Gender: In World Perspective (3rd ed., with Rebecca Pearse, 2015). Her other books include Masculinities, Schools & Social Justice, Ruling Class Ruling Culture, Gender & Power, and Making the Difference. Her work has been translated into eighteen languages. She has taught at universities in Australia, Canada and the USA, in departments of sociology, political science, and education, and is a long -term participant in the labour movement and peace movement.