1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Pascal van Griethuysen

Former Visiting Fellow

Pascal van Griethuysen joined UNRISD in September 2014 to coordinate the Sustainable Development Programme. Trained in both conventional and heterodox economics, his research focuses on the intersection between economics and the environment, having published extensively on ecological, critical institutional and ownership economics as alternative perspectives on development policies and practices.

Prior to joining UNRISD, Pascal worked for 14 years at the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies where he coordinated the teaching and research programme on sustainable development. During his time there, he conducted a number of research projects in collaboration with UN agencies, international civil society and national public agencies. He has also acted as research consultant and policy adviser for public and private agencies at local, regional, national and international levels.

Pascal holds a M.Sc. in Political Economy from the University of Lausanne and a M.Sc. in International Relations from the University of Geneva. His Ph.D. is from the University of Geneva in which he investigated the potential of an evolutionary economic approach to sustainable development, a process-oriented economic perspective that acknowledges the complex, multidimensional and evolving nature of interactions between human beings and their ecological context.

Selected Publications:

  • Griethuysen P. van (2012), ` Bona diagnosis, bona curatio: how property economics clarifies the degrowth debate ´, Ecological Economics, 84, 262-269.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2010), ´ La RSE : nouvelle régulation du capitalisme ou interprétation capitaliste de la régulation ? ´, in Daugareilh I. (dir.), Responsabilités de l'entreprise transnationale et globalisation de l'économie (Bruylant/LGDJ), 2010, 91-139.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2010), ` Why are we growth-addicted - The hard way towards degrowth in the involutionary western development path ´, Journal of Clean Energy Production, 18(10), 590-595, April.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2011), ` Pourquoi le développement durable s'est-il imposé là où l'écodéveloppement a échoué? ´, in Abraham Y.-M, Marion L. et H. Philippe (dir.) Développement durable ou décroissance soutenable? (Montréal : Ecosociété), 2011, pp. 60-79.
  • Griethuysen P. van et M. Arruda (2008), Penser et pratiquer le développement autrement : Une réflexion économique évolutive sur l'altermondialisme. Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, June 2008, 102 p.
  • Griethuysen P. van and R. Steppacher (2008), ` The differences between biotic and mineral resources and their implications for the conservation-climate debate ´, Policy Matters, 16, 30-37, October.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2006), ` Mondialisation, inégalités sociales et dégradation écologique ´, in Comeliau Ch. (dir.), Le défi social du développement. Globalisation et inégalités (IUED: Geneva, Karthala Paris), 100-105.
  • Griethuysen P. van and G. Oviedo (eds.) (2006), Poverty, Equity and Rights in Conservation - Technical paper and case studies (IUCN : Gland and GIDS : Geneva), May.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2004), ´ Rationalité économique et logique de précaution : quelle compatibilité ? ´, Revue européenne des sciences sociales, 42(130), 203-227, November.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2002), La contribution de l'économie évolutive dans la problématique du développement durable. PhD Dissertation. Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Geneva University, Geneva, June 2002, 422 p. Electronic publication, link: http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:17312.
  • Griethuysen P. van (2002), ´ Sustainable Development : An Evolutionary Economic Approach ´, Sustainable Development, 10(1), 1-11, January.