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Shifting Wealth: An opportunity for strengthening social cohesion - An UNRISD Seminar

Date: 20 May 2011

  • Time: 12:30-14:00
  • Location: UNRISD Reference Centre – room D-19 (Door 9 - Ground floor), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10
  • Project Title: UNRISD Seminar Series

This event has already taken place.

UNRISD Seminar Series with Johannes Jütting, OECD, Head of Unit, Poverty Reduction and Social Development, previewing the OECD's Perspectives on Global Development 2011.

The economic developments of the last two decades, characterized by a major realignment of the global economy towards emerging and developing countries, offer new wealth and opportunities to improve not only economic but also social and political outcomes. This calls for an examination of development paradigms and the policy options for more equally shared progress.

Social cohesion is the focus of the 2011 edition of Perspectives on Global Development (PGD), a report produced by the OECD Development Centre. Every year, the report identifies, analyses and provides workable policy solutions for a pressing global development challenge. Having focused in 2010 on major macroeconomic changes occurring in the world economy -- "Shifting Wealth" – in 2011 the PGD report turns to the challenge of building more cohesive societies in the new global context. This presentation provided an overview of the preliminary results of the report, to be released in Paris in September 2011.

Following the presentation, the audience joined in a discussion on the shifting dynamism of future economic growth.