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The Politics of Poverty and Inequality

Date: 12 Oct 2011

This European Journal of Development Research (EJDR) public policy workshop brought together prominent academics working on inequality, including contributors to the Special Debate Section in the current issue of the journal (Vol. 23, No. 4, September 2011) on the Politics of Poverty and Inequality.

The EJDR and UNRISD were prompted to organize Special Debate Section by the importance of the topic of inequality, and the lack of significant debate about it within the development policy world. Contributions take as a starting point two of the key questions brought up in UNRISD's flagship report, Combating Poverty and Inequality:
  • Is inequality an insurmountable obstacle to meaningful poverty reduction, given contemporary global political economy realities?
  • What kinds of politics are conducive to substantial reductions in inequality and poverty?

The workshop was co-organized by the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) and UNRISD.

The special debate section of the journal is available online.


Elisabeth Prügl, Deputy Director, Graduate Institute 

Introduction to the Forum
Dennis Rodgers, Associate Editor, The European Journal of Development Research

Session 1: Poverty and Inequality in a Globalising World

Jean-Luc Maurer, Professor of Development Studies, The Graduate Institute

Andrew Fischer, Senior Lecturer in Population and Social Policy, International Institute of Social Studies
James Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government, The University of Texas at Austin
Naila Kabeer, Professor of Development Studies,The School of Oriental and African Studies, The University of London

Coffee break

Session 2: Poverty and Inequality – Lessons to be Learnt

Rajneesh Narula, The European Journal of Development Research

Yusuf Bangura, The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, (UNRISD)
Charles Gore, Chief of Research and Policy Analysis in the Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, (UNCTAD)
Frances Stewart, Director of Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, Department for International Development, University of Oxford

Coffee break

Session 3: Roundtable Debate

Sarah Cook, The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, (UNRISD)

Yusuf Bangura, The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, (UNRISD)
Andrew Fischer, Senior Lecturer in Population and Social Policy, International Institute of Social Studies
James Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government, The University of Texas at Austin
Charles Gore, Chief of Research and Policy Analysis in the Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, (UNCTAD)
Naila Kabeer, Professor of Development Studies,The School of Oriental and African Studies, The University of London, (SOAS)
Frances Stewart, Director of Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, Department for International Development, University of Oxford

End of forum