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Fast-Tracking Social Protection to End AIDS: A Panel Discussion

Date: 25 May 2016

HIV is not just a medical condition. It has complex social consequences which need adequate responses to attain UNAIDS’ vision of zero new HIV infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero AIDS-related discrimination. To make this vision a reality, UNAIDS has developed Fast-Track targets, which if met by 2020, will set the world on course to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

UNAIDS' latest publication, Social Protection: Advancing the Response to HIV, raises awareness that responding to HIV requires comprehensive, coherent and coordinated rights-based social protection programmes, coupled with the usual array of responses targeted towards people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV. At this event, researchers, policy makers and practitioners will discuss the interventions recommended in the report.

Organized by UNAIDS, the ILO and UNRISD, this discussion is part of a series of events hosted by international organizations, governments and civil society before the High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS to be held in New York from 8-10 June 2016. These events include the release of the UN Secretary-General’s report on progress in combatting HIV, the release of the zero draft of the UN General Assembly’s 2016 Political Declaration: On the fast-track to end AIDS in the age of sustainable development and member countries’ negotiations on the draft declaration leading to the High-Level Meeting.

Name and Affiliation
Stefan Hoffman
Director, KwaWazee Switzerland
Social Protection for Older People and Their Dependents
Archana Patkar
Programme Manager, Networking & Knowledge Management, WSSCC
Combatting Stigma and Prejudice for Women’s Health and Rights
Martine Weve
Senior Policy Advisor on HIV and Livelihoods, Stop Aids Now!
Access to Social Protection for Key Populations in Ethiopia
Charles King
Founder, President & CEO, Housing Works
Low-Threshold Harm Reduction Housing for People Who Use Drugs and are Living with HIV
Thorsten Behrendt
Health Policy Specialist, ILO
The Role of the Social Protection Floors for People Living with HIV

Opening Remarks

Paul Ladd, UNRISD

Keynote Address

Luiz Loures, UNAIDS


Photo: Inter-American Division (Common Creatives via Flickr).