1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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GSEF Global Social Economy Forum 2021

Date: 6 - 7 Oct 2021

  • Time:
  • Location: Mexico City and online
  • Counterpart(s): GSEF, ICA

GSEF Global Social Economy Forum 2021
This year's Global Social Economy Forum is a virtual event being hosted by Mexico City. The Forum brings togetherrepresentatives of national and local governments, members of civil society, academia, researchers, experts, private organizations, as well as international organizations committed to the development of the SSE at a global level. It is a call for dialogue and action with the aim of eradicating inequalities in our societies.

Register here to attend the Forum virtually, and see the full programme .

UNRISD is sharing the results of two projects in separate panels.

Promoting SSE through Public Policies: 7 Case Studies and Guidelines for Local Governments
  • 6 October, 13:00 – 16:00 CEST
  • In English, Spanish, and French (simultaneous translation)

This session will present Guidelines explaining the key elements constituting an enabling policy and institutional environment, or “ecosystem”, for SSE. They are the main output of the UNRISD project Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments.
The Guidelines draw on evidence-based lessons from the seven case studies to offer a toolbox that can be used in the development of policies and institutions for SSE at the subnational level. The case studies are diverse and offer their own insights into SSE in different locations: Barcelona (Spain), Dakar (Senegal), Durban (South Africa), Liverpool (UK), Mexico City (Mexico), Montreal (Canada), Seoul (Republic of Korea).

Statistics on SSE: Where are we? And where are we heading?
  • 7 October, 20:00 – 21:30 CEST
  • In English, Spanish, and French (simultaneous translation)

At this session, co-organized by UNRISD and ICA, speakers will present the research results of the project Opportunities and Challenges of Statistics on Social and Solidarity Economy. The session aims to deepen understanding of the current landscape of methodologies and datasets on SSE by sharing information on key statistics initiatives, and suggest policy recommendations on SSE statistics development.

Photo: Julieta Julieta (public domain via Unsplash)