1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Social Economy and the 2030 Agenda: Localizing Goals, Co-Creating Policies

Date: 2 Oct 2018

Social Economy and the 2030 Agenda: Localizing Goals, Co-Creating Policies
UNRISD is hosting a session at the Global Social Economy Forum, being held in Bilbao on 1-3 October 2018, at which it launches the full research results of the project Social and Solidarity Economy for the SDGs: Spotlight on the Social Economy in Seoul.

Participants at this event, largely SSE practitioners, local government officers and civil society stakeholders, will also hear Prof. Marguerite Mendell from Concordia University, Canada, present her research on the co-construction of public policies for SSE in Quebec.

The full report on the social economy's contribution to the SDGs in Seoul (Republic of Korea) is available here. A set of Research and Policy Briefs highlight key findings of the report and an Overview allows readers to access the findings in a single short document.

The Global Social Economy Forum GSEF is an international network that brings together local governments and civil society stakeholders committed to supporting the development of the Social Economy (SE). GSEF aims to serve as a hub for sharing visions and experiences through cross-border collaboration and cooperation based on multilateral partnerships for an inclusive, equitable and human centered world for all of us.