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Gender and the SDGs: The Outcome, the Processes, and the Prospects

Date: 14 Mar 2016

  • Time: 16:45-18:00
  • Location: Ex-Press Bar, GA Building, United Nations Headquarters, New York
  • Counterpart(s): Gender & Development, Oxfam, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

Official side event at the 60th UN Commission on the Status of Women

In the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) UN member states have agreed to a new development agenda, but how does it stand up as a tool for progress on gender equality and women's rights?

At this side event panel discussion, experts from the UN, academia and NGOs come together to review what has been agreed in the SDGs, the role that activists can continue to play, and how Agenda 2030 can contribute to furthering gender equality.

The speakers are contributors to a special issue of the open access Oxfam journal Gender & Development devoted to gender and the SDGs, launched at this event.

From different perspectives, each expert assesses the progress they already see in the SDGs as compared to the MDGs – from the increased participation of civil society in the making of the Goals to their increased breadth, and their more visionary and potentially transformative nature.

The speakers will also reveal some blind spots in the UN’s new development road map. A shortage of specific policy recommendations, for example, leaves perhaps too many, potentially regressive, options open. Adequate funding has yet to be secured for many of the Agenda’s ambitious aims. And the need for suitable accountability structures is a recurrent refrain, if the SDGs are to achieve in reality what is set out on paper.

RSVP: policyandpractice@oxfam.org.uk
Access available to CSW60 ticket holders only

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