World Social Work Day has been celebrated around the globe since 1983. This year, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) teams up once again with the Geneva School of Social Work and its international partners to mark the Day at the UN in Geneva.
World Social Work Day aims not just to showcase the achievements of social work and increase its visibility, but also to highlight its synergies with social development: shared commitments to social justice, inclusive development and human rights.
This year's event will take place
online and will focus on Community Engagement for Social Justice.
Community Engagement for Social Justice
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of our global system. The most vulnerable in our societies are struggling to cover their basic needs. All over the world, communities are responding to these challenges, claiming the right to participate in decisions that affect them, and demanding the care and services to which they are entitled. The active and varied involvement of social work in support of these communities is at the heart of the reflections that will be carried out during these two days of conferences and workshops.
The event is open to international civil servants, social workers, students and interested individuals. Participation is free of charge.
For detailed information, see: the Concept note, the Programme and the Keynotes/Workshops Abstracts
How to participate: Pre-registration is required as indicated below
Please register separately for each session in which you wish to participate.
French<>English Interpretation will be available for plenary sessions only. Workshops 3 & 5 will be presented in French in morning session #1 and in English in afternoon session #2.
WEDNESDAY 17 MARCH (10:00 - 15:45)
THURSDAY 18 MARCH (10:00 - 12:00)
10:00 to 10:20 | Special Session: The profession’s global responses
by Rory Truel (IFSW)
10:20 to 11:20 | Roundtable: Supporting communities for an inclusive recovery: Lessons learned
Isolda Agazzi, Journalist
Alexandre Morel, Deputy Director/animation, Fondation pour l’animation socioculturelle Lausanne (FASL)
Ana Rădulescu, European President, International Federation of Social Workers Europe (IFSW Europe)
Abye Tassé, Head of Mission Telema Project, Ministry of Social and Humanitarian Affairs, Expertise France, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
Olivier Grobet, Program Officer, Brazil and Colombia, Terre des Hommes (TdH)
Shahra Razavi, Director, Social Protection Department, International Labour Organization (ILO)
11:30 to 11:55 | Looking Ahead: Community challenges and responses for the future (Agenda 2030)
by A. Campanini (IASSW), K. Hujo (UNRISD), B.Joyeux (Jaj Jagat Genève)
11:55 to 12:00 | Closing Remarks
by J. Libois (HES-SO Genève) |
 | Register (once for the 2-hour Webinar above) |