1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009), Special Events (2000 - 2009)

Social Policy in a Development Context: Lessons from UNRISD Research 2000-2005

Date: 29 Oct - 3 Nov 2006

  • Time:
  • Location: Stockholm, Sweden, and Kellokoski, Finland

Lessons from UNRISD’s flagship research project “Social Policy in a Development Context” were presented and discussed at three events in the Nordic countries between October 29 and November 2. The research and policy workshops focused on two projects of the region-centred comparative research on late industrializing countries that were carried out during the last research period (Social Policy in the Nordic Countries and Social Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa) as well as on one of the thematic comparative research projects (Gender and Social Policy). For further information, see the research project.

“Incorporating Social Policy into the Research Agenda in Africa” was the title of the first event organized by the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and UNRISD. The research workshop was held in Stockholm, 29-30 October 2006.

The second workshop convened by SIDA and UNRISD on “Social Policy in a Development Context: Lessons from UNRISD Research 2000-2005” in Stockholm, 31 October, addressed the theme of “How research can be translated into policies and action”. Presentations on the Nordic, Sub-Saharan African and Gender project were complemented by contributions on current practices in social policy in Africa and Asia and new social policy approaches from international organizations and donors.

The expert meeting “Social Policies for Development in a Globalizing World” (Kellokoski, Finland, 1-3 November 2006) aimed to contribute to and support the follow-up to the Copenhagen Summit for Social Development and related processes. Important goals of this brainstorming workshop with participants from Africa, global agencies, donors and academics included facilitating a global process that promotes the design and implementation of appropriate approaches and models of comprehensive social policies in different regions of the “Global South”, and strengthening a platform for coherent policy making. A website for the meeting is currently being set up and will be accessible to the public at a later stage.