1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Monetary Innovation and Complementary Currencies Researcher Symposium

Date: 25 Oct 2018

  • Time: 10.00 - 13.45
  • Location: Room S4, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Counterpart(s): RAMICS, IFLAS, B4SD.net, SCC
  • Project Title: UNRISD Seminar Series

Monetary Innovation and Complementary Currencies Researcher Symposium
UNRISD is co-hosting a Researcher Symposium looking at the broader implications for a sustainable society of a host of different monetary innovations including monetary decentralization via digital or physical currencies, and currencies using blockchain or cryptography for security. Post-doctoral, doctoral, and masters researchers will discuss legal, sociological, developmental, political, anthropological, management and economics perspectives. The aim of this Researcher Symposium is to encourage further research in this field.

You may also like: World Investment Forum
On 24 October, there is a session on blockchain at the World Investment Forum, which takes place in the Palais des Nations on 22-26 October 2018. Click here to find out more about the World Investment Forum (WIF).

Note that the WIF is a separate event not managed by UNRISD. To attend any part of the WIF, please register via their web page.