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Good Jobs and Social Services: How Costa Rica Achieved the Elusive Double Incorporation

Date: 4 Mar 2014

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Few developing countries have succeeded in simultaneously providing good jobs and access to social services for all. Yet Costa Rica has made one of the most successful efforts to secure the double incorporation of job creation and expansion of social services among developing countries.

A well-paid job is the best tool to improve household income and reduce poverty. At the same time, people need rights-based entitlements to protect themselves against risks and contingencies. Accomplishing this double objective is one of the most significant challenges facing developing countries.

      • How has Costa Rica achieved its unique success?
      • What lessons can other small developing countries learn from Costa Rica?

In this Seminar Diego Sánchez-Ancochea will discuss his recent book, co-authored with Juliana Martínez Franzoni, on Costa Rica’s historical success and recent challenges in securing the elusive double incorporation.

An UNRISD Research and Policy Brief is available for download here, which summarizes the main findings from the research on Costa Rica. This case study was carried out as part of the UNRISD project, Poverty Reduction and Policy Regimes.


Diego Sánchez-Ancochea, University Lecturer in the Political Economy of Latin America at the University of Oxford and Governing Body Fellow of St Antony’s. His research concentrates on income inequality, social policy and the political economy of development in Latin America. Together with Juliana Martínez Franzoni, he has recently published the monograph Good Jobs and Social Services: How Costa Rica Achieved the Elusive Double Incorporation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).

Photo by Sergio Quesada via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)