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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Performance: Are Corporations and SSE Organizations Meeting the SDG Challenge?

Date: 3 - 4 Jun 2019

Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Performance: Are Corporations and SSE Organizations Meeting the SDG Challenge?
Sustainability measurement and reporting has much improved in recent decades, but is it fit for purpose for 21st century challenges and for the SDGs? This international conference will provide an opportunity for key stakeholders from UN agencies, national policy making bodies and practitioners in the measurement and reporting fields to discuss best practices, key concerns, and ways forward that take better account of the social dimensions of sustainable development.

Day 1

09.00—Welcome and Opening Remarks
Moderator: Paul Ladd, Director, UNRISD
  • James Zhan, Director, Investment and Enterprise Division, UNCTAD
  • Simel Esim, Head and Senior Technical Specialist, Cooperatives Unit, ILO
  • Suk Kwon Na, President, Center for Social Entrepreneurship Studies (CSES)

10.00—Keynote Address: Allen White, Vice President and Senior Fellow, Tellus Institute; Co-Founder, Global Reporting Initiative [≡ Keynote speech notes] (via videocall)

10.50—Review of Impact Indicators: Perspectives from UN Agencies
Moderator: Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator, UNRISD
Watch the Facebook video

14.00—Review of Impact Indicators: Perspectives from the Standards Setters
Moderator: Tatiana Krylova, Head, Enterprise Branch, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD
○ Watch the Facebook video Part I and Part II

16.00—Why Do We Need Better Impact Measurement, And How Can We Do It? [Panel Discussion]
Moderator: Paul Ladd, Director, UNRISD
Watch the Facebook video

Day 2

10.00—Keynote Address: Tomáš Hák, Charles University [≡ Keynote speech notes]

10.50—Review of Impact Indicators: Perspectives and Methodologies from Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations and Enterprises
Moderator: Marguerite Mendell, Professor Emerita, School of Community and Public Affairs (SCPA), Concordia University
  • Lisa Hehenberger, Director, EEI-ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute
  • Marie Bouchard, Coordinator, International Working Group on Methods and Indicators for Evaluating the Social Economy, International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC) [≡ Slide deck]
  • Simel Esim, Head and Senior Technical Specialist, Cooperatives Unit, ILO
  • Jonathan Normand, Director, B Lab Switzerland [≡ Slide deck]
  • Sonja Novkovic, Chair, International Cooperative Alliance Research Committee (ICA CCR), Professor in Economics and Academic Director, International Centre for Cooperative Management, Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada [≡ Slide deck]

○ Watch the Facebook video Part I, Part II and Part III

14.00—New Approaches to Sustainability Accounting and Impact Measurement [Panel Discussion]
Moderator: Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator, UNRISD
○ Watch the Facebook video Part I and Part II

16.00—Plenary Discussion: The Way Ahead
Moderator: Paul Ladd, Director, UNRISD
The conference provides participants with networking opportunities across multiple stakeholder groups; a space to build and strengthen partnerships; and valuable insights into the key issues around sustainability performance measurement and reporting.

The conference is the first international gathering convened under a new UNRISD project, Sustainable Development Performance Indicators. This four-year project aims to contribute to the measurement and evaluation of the performance of a broad range of economic entities—both in the for-profit sector and in the social and solidarity economy—in relation to the vision and goals of the 2030 Agenda, by ensuring that contextual factors and social dimensions receive appropriate consideration.