1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Markets, Business and Regulation (2000 - 2009)

Seminar: Political Economy of DR-CAFTA and ALBA

Date: 24 Aug 2007

There is a diversity of trade and regional integration regimes in Latin America, whose social and political characteristics are being studied within a project carried out by UNRISD and the University of Geneva. Through case studies of Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Nicaragua, this research project aims to address the following questions.
  • How much negotiating and policy space do developing country governments have in free trade agreements?
  • How participatory and inclusive are the relevant consultative and decision-making processes?
  • To what extent, and in what ways, can business associations, social movements and other civil society actors influence the negotiation process?

During this event, the preliminary results of the Nicaragua case study were presented and discussed by a panel of experts.

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4:00 – 4:20
Palabras de apertura
Peter Utting, Director Adjunto, UNRISD
Verónica Rojas, Viceministro, MIFIC

4:20 – 4:50
Ponencia: Gloria Carrión Fonseca, Msc. Economía Política Internacional
“La Economía Política de CAFTA-DR: Lecciones para otros acuerdos comerciales y de integración regional”

4:50 – 6:00
Panel: La Economía Política de CAFTA-DR y ALBA
Arturo Grigsby – Director, Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo NITLAPAN
María Rosa Renzi – Coordinadora del Programa Regional de UNIFEM
“ La Agenda Económica de las Mujeres”; Asesora Económica del PNUD
Oscar-René Vargas – Sociólogo, Escritor

6:00 – 7:00
Palabras de clausura, Sonia Somarriba, Director General de Comercio Internacional, MIFIC
