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From Science to Practice: Harnessing Research to Build Forward Better - A Side Event of the 2021 HLPF

Date: 6 Jul 2021

From Science to Practice: Harnessing Research to Build Forward Better - A Side Event of the 2021 HLPF
Scientific research has a critical role to play in addressing global challenges and achieving the SDGs. Its role is even more important as we seek to emerge from the pandemic while facing continuing crises due to environmental destruction, conflict and growing inequality. However, translating knowledge into action remains a complicated task.

Research often fails to find its way into policy-making circles due to a number of technical, normative, cultural, political, institutional and financial barriers. With this in mind, a consortium of Geneva-based institutions has established a new channel through which research and knowledge from International Geneva and its global networks can amplify its impact on national and global policy making.

Last fall, UNRISD launched evidence boxes to collect contributions on three entry points identified by the GSDR, which encompass all SDGs being reviewed at this year’s HLPF: human well-being and capabilities, sustainable and just economies, and food systems and nutrition patterns.

This event will present some key findings from reports on these themes, with a particular focus on lessons for building forward better, creating a world that is not only more resilient towards crises, but also much more inclusive, egalitarian and in harmony with our planet.

📑 Read the report on Human Well-Being and Capabilities

📑 Read the report on Sustainable and Just Economies

📑 Read the report on Food Systems and Nutrition Patterns


Welcome remarks
  • Ambassador Jacques Ducrest, Delegate of the Swiss Federal Council for the 2030 Agenda
  • Nikhil Seth, Executive Director, UNITAR

  • Introduction to the project - Paul Ladd, Director, UNRISD
  • Overview of research findings - Maggie Carter, Research Analyst, UNRISD
  • Insights from International Geneva on Human Well-Being and Capabilities - Sophie Plagerson, Independent Consultant
  • Strengthening Science-Policy Engagement for Sustainable Development - Nicolas Seidler, Executive Director, Geneva Science-Policy Interface

  • Andrea Ordóñez, Director, Southern Voice


Project partners

The project is coordinated by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), the Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI), the Think Tank Hub, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Switzerland and the SDG Lab, and funded by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).

Funding partner

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