1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Valueworks: Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain

Date: 11 Dec 2018

Valueworks: Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain
On behalf of an international research consortium in which it is a partner, UNRISD is organizing two events in Geneva:
  • Round Table Discussion: Monday, 10 December 2018, 18.00–20.00 at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
  • Research Symposium: Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 09.00–16.30 at the Palais des Nations (this page)

Both events are open to the public.

Download the full Programme of Events as a PDF here.

The events present the research results of the Valueworks project, funded by SNIS. For an introduction to the issues, see this blog post by project collaborator Rita Kesselring.

Register for the Research Symposium in the Palais des Nations here:


08.15–09.00Arrival at the Palais des Nations (Pregny Gate), Welcome Coffee
Conference Opening
09.00–09.30Welcome and Introduction
- Paul Ladd, Director, UNRISD
- Bernard Fuhrer, Director, SNIS
- Rita Kesselring, Principle Investigator, Valueworks Project, University of Basel
Session 1Global Commodity Trade and Financialization:
Along the Copper Value Chain
09.30–11.00Chair: Katja Hujo, UNRISD
- Stefan Leins (University of Zurich) — Physical Commodity Trading, Made in Geneva: (Mis-)Conceptions, Issues, and Possible Ways Forward
- Dale Mudenda, Maio Bulawayo and Manenga Ndulo (University of Zambia and SAIPAR) — The Financialization of Commodity Markets: The Case of Copper in Zambia
- Yvan Schulz (University of Oxford) — All Eyes on China: The Commodity Giant’s Role in a Globalized Copper Market
- Ganga Jey Aratnam (University of Basel) — Glencore and Trading Networks in Zug
- Discussant: Filipe Calvao (The Graduate Institute Geneva)
- Q&A
11.00–11.30COFFEE BREAK
Session 2From Switzerland to Zambia:
Development Impacts and Local Lifeworlds
11.30–13.00Chair: Didier Péclard, University of Geneva
- Rita Kesselring (University of Basel) and Gregor Dobler (University of Freiburg) — Swiss Extractivism: Switzerland’s Role in Zambia’s Copper Sector
- Marja Hinfelaar and Tine Banda (SAIPAR) — Mining and Land Acquisition and the Creation of Legal Regimes in Zambia
- Wilma Nchito (University of Zambia) — Complexities of Colonial Planning and Land Use in Mining Towns: The Case of Mufulira, Zambia
- Hanna Haile (McGill University) — The Financialization of Transnational Business: Implications for Human Rights and Livelihoods in Zambia’s Copperbelt
- Discussant: Ellen Hertz (University of Neuchâtel)
- Q&A
13.00–14.30LUNCH BREAK
Session 3The Politics and Governance of Extractive Industries and Global Supply Chains: Towards Sustainable Development?
14.30–16.00Chair: Simone Wasmann, Solidar
- Katja Hujo (UNRISD) — Harnessing the Potential of Mining for Sustainable Development: Squaring the Circle?
- Christian Busse (University of Oldenburg) — Implications of Supply Chain Governance for Supply Chain Sustainability
- Aurora Garcia (Swiss ADR) — Ideas and Reflections Concerning the Regulatory Framework of the Commodity Trade Sector in Switzerland
- Anna-Sophie Hobi (University of Basel) — Getting a Piece of the Cake? Civil Society Activism and CSR in Zambia
- Discussant: Elisabeth Bürgi (Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern)
- Q&A
Closing SessionPriorities for Research, Policy and Action
16.00–16.30Chair: Gregor Dobler, University of Freiburg
- Laura Miti (Alliance for Community Action, Zambia)
- Stefan Csordas (Commodity Research and Analysis Section, UNCTAD)
- Gregor Dobler (University of Freiburg) — Concluding Reflections and Agenda for Future Research