1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Markets, Business and Regulation (2000 - 2009)

CSR in Social Development in the Arab Region

Date: 12 - 13 Nov 2008

  • Time:
  • Location: Amman-Jordan

As part of the 2nd Forum of the Ministers of Social Development for the Arab Region with the focus on the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in social development in the Arab region, 22 Ministers of Social Development from the Arab States met in Amman, Jordan, from 12 to 14 November 2008. At the invitation of their Jordanian counterpart and the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST), they attempted to identify and set up a common vision and the most appropriate means for coordinating their social policies. The Ministers of the Arab region envisaged to focus their exchange of ideas on how to increase the involvement of this sector in the implementation of their priorities and national social programmes as far as development is concerned. To assist them, many leading figures from the world of research, NGOs and private sector representatives were invited to intervene on social corporate responsibility from a theoretical and practical point of view. Peter Utting, UNRISD, contributed to this forum through a presentation on “Corporate Social Responsibility from a Development Perspective: Trends, Debates and Policy Implications”.

Please use the links to the right of this page for both Peter Utting’s presentation and official recommendations.