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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? UNTFSSE International Conference

Date: 25 - 26 Jun 2019

  • Time: 9.00-17.00
  • Location: Room II at R3 South, ILO, Geneva
  • Donor(s): Government of the Republic of Korea, represented by Statistics Korea; Ministry of Labour, Employment, Social Economy and Economic Solidarity of Luxembourg, ILO
  • Counterpart(s): United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
  • Project Title: SSE Knowledge Hub for the SDGs

Welcome to the International Conference, Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? An initiative of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy

This event is part of a series of conferences resulting from the Call for Papers "Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?" which was launched by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) in 2018 and organized by UNRISD. With the Call for Papers, the UNTFSSE aimed to identify and mobilize research from different regions and territories which, by critically examining the role of SSE, can contribute to the Task Force's efforts to scale up and promote SSE as means of implementation of the SDGs.

☞ Click here or scroll down to see the full Conference Programme.

"Pre-Conference" Special Event (24 June 2019, Geneva)

A public roundtable discussion Leaving No One Behind: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? which UNRISD is co-hosting with the University of Geneva the day before the Conference may also be of interest to you. How can the social and solidarity economy effectively contribute to the integration of those left behind by declining social assistance and create solidarity for these vulnerable groups? Click here for more details.

Conference Programme (Provisional)

This two-day conference:
  • provides a space for researchers, practitioners and policy decision makers to share and exchange evidence and ideas about the connections between SSE and people, planet, prosperity, participation and partnerships in different local contexts
  • demonstrates, through evidence-based analysis, concrete ways in which SSE contributes to sustainable development, and to the implementation and achievement of the SDGs
  • contributes to enhancing the visibility of SSE as a means of implementation of the SDGs within and beyond the UN system

Invited speakers include approximately 45 paper presenters (identified through the Call for Papers that generated proposals from more than 320 researchers from 60 countries); personnel from UN agencies, particularly the members of the UNTFSSE; and representatives of civil society organizations, particularly the members of the UNTFSSE and those SSE organizations and enterprises based in Geneva.

A note on the conference languages
  • The primary working language of the conference is English (ENG).
  • Simultaneous interpretation [English (ENG), French (FR), Spanish (SP)] is available for the plenary sessions, and for selected parallel sessions.
  • For interventions or sessions in Korean (KOR), interpretation into English (ENG) is provided.

Day 1 (25 June 2019)

9:00—Opening Session (ENG, FR, SPA)
Moderator: Paul Ladd, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
  • Chokri Ben Hassen, Minister of Social and Solidarity Economy, Tunisia
  • Moussa Oumarou, Deputy Director-General for Field Operations and Partnerships, ILO
  • Elayne Whyte Gómez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations and to Other International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland
  • Christophe Itier, Haut Commissaire à l’Economie sociale et solidaire et à l’innovation sociale
  • Vic Van Vuuren, Director, Enterprise Department, ILO; Chair of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
  • Laurence Kwark, Secretary General, Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)

10:00—Keynote Speech (ENG, FR, SPA)
  • Ariel Guarco, President, International Co-operatives Alliance

Parallel Sessions (I)

10:45—Session I-A. Social and Solidarity Economy for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality (I) (ENG, FR, SPA)
Moderator: Eva Cantele, SSE Forum International
10:45—Session I-B. Tracing the Evolution of Social and Solidarity Economy in Different Local Contexts (I) (ENG)
Moderator: Victor Meseguer, Social Economy Europe
10:45—Session I-C. Institutions and Policies for Scaling and Integrating Social and Solidarity Economy (ENG)
Moderator: Laurence Kwark, Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)

Lunchtime Special Events

12:00—Lunchtime Special Event I-A. Building the SSE Movement from the Local to the Global (ENG)
Organized by Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS)
  • Laura Cicciarelli, RIPESS
  • Judith Hitchman, Urgenci International Network of Community Supported Agriculture Global (France)
  • Yvon Poirier, RIPESS
  • Denison Jayasooria, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia

12:00—Lunchtime Special Event I-B. European Social Economy Regions Initiative (ESER) (ENG)
Organized by European Commission
  • Patrick Klein, Social Economy Team Leader, DG GROW – Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy Unit

Parallel Sessions (II)

14:00—Session II-A. Tracing the Evolution of Social and Solidarity Economy in Different Local Contexts (II) (ENG, FR, SPA)
Moderator: Roberto Di Meglio, International Labour Organization (ILO)
14:00—Session II-B. Theories, Concepts and Impact Measurement (I) (ENG)
Moderator: Ilcheong Yi, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) (TBC)
14:00—Session II-C. Social and Solidarity Economy as an Eco-Social Approach for the Sustainable Development Goals (ENG)
Moderator: Laura Cicciarelli, Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS)

Special Session

15:30—SSE Impacts for the SDGs: Examples from India, Brazil and Spain (ENG, FR, SPA)
Organized by International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC), International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), and SSE Forum International
Moderator: Alain Arnaud, President, CIRIEC
  • Reema Nanavaty, General Secretary, SEWA - The Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) in India [see video]
  • Leandro Morais, Professor and Researcher, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil - The Maranhão State Reference Center for Solidarity Economy (CRESOL): State Government and SSE Entrepreneurs Joining Forces in Brazil
  • Adoración Mozas, Professor, University of Jaén; President of CIRIEC-España - How Agricultural Cooperatives Schieve the SDGs
  • Discussants: Ariel Guarco, President, ICA; Alain Coheur, Co-President, SSE Forum International


17:30-20:30, La Pastorale "La Maison de Maître", 106 Route de Ferney, 1202 Geneva
Generously hosted by the International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI) and Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH)
Live music by the UN Jazz Band. See map.

♥ Our catering partner actively supports the social integration of vulnerable young people and uses locally grown, seasonal products.

Day 2 (26 June 2019)

Parallel Sessions (III)

9:00—Session III-A. Tracing the Evolution of Social and Solidarity Economy in Different Local Contexts (III) (ENG, FR, SPA)
Moderator: Jean Fabre, SSE Forum International
9:00—Session III-B. Theories, Concepts and Impact Measurement (II) (ENG)
Moderator: Fulvia Farinelli, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
9:00—Session III-C. Social and Solidarity Economy for Food and Agriculture (ENG)
Moderator: Ahmad Mukhtar, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)

Special Session

10:30—Maximizing Social Impact of SSE for Inclusive Cities through Innovative Partnerships of Local Governments (ENG, FR, SPA, KOR)
Organized by Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF), and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Moderator: Antonella Noya, OECD (TBC); Opening and closing remarks: Laurence Kwark, Secretary General, GSEF
  • Ester Vidal (City of Barcelona) – Fostering socio-entrepreneurial, socio-political and socio-community inter-cooperation through SSE for comprehensive local development
  • Lynn Collins (City of Liverpool) – Public service reform, enhanced social justice and inclusive growth by developing social economy in partnership with social organizations and Liverpool city government (TBC)
  • Joonhyung Lee (City of Seoul) – Seoul Social Economy 2.0 Promotion Plan (2019–2022) to create a city where social economy can be experienced in citizen’s everyday life
  • Edison Mesereka (City of Kampala) – Social and solidarity economy for sustainable and inclusive urbanization of African cities: Case of Kampala
  • Byung Hoon Lee (Hyundai Motors) – Achieving SDGs in the city by raising youth social entrepreneurship through public-private-civil partnership

Lunchtime Special Events

12:00—Lunchtime Special Event II-A (ENG). The Role of Local Governments in Promoting SSE – Networking Session for Government Representatives and Policy Makers
Organized by Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)
  • Ester Vidal (City of Barcelona) – Fostering socio-entrepreneurial, socio-political and socio-community inter-cooperation through SSE for comprehensive local development
  • Lynn Collins (City of Liverpool) – Public service reform, enhanced social justice and inclusive growth by developing social economy in partnership with social organizations and Liverpool city government (TBC)
  • Joonhyung Lee (City of Seoul) – Seoul Social Economy 2.0 Promotion Plan (2019–2022) to create a city where social economy can be experienced in citizen’s everyday life
  • Edison Mesereka (City of Kampala) – Social and solidarity economy for sustainable and inclusive urbanization of African cities: Case of Kampala
  • Byung Hoon Lee (Hyundai Motors) – Achieving SDGs in the city by raising youth social entrepreneurship through public-private-civil partnership

12:00—Lunchtime Special Event II-B (ENG). SSE and South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Organized by International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Jürgen Schwettmann, International Consultant
  • Leandro Morais, Professor, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil)
  • Gianluca Salvatori, EURICSE
  • Anita Amorim, ILO PARDEV
  • Roberto Di Meglio, ILO ENTERPRISES

Parallel Sessions (IV)

14:00—Session IV-A Theories, Concepts and Impact Measurement (III) (ENG, FR, SPA)
Moderator: Antonella Noya, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (TBC)
14:00—Session IV-B. Social and Solidarity Economy for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality (II) (ENG)
Moderator: Valentina Verze, International Labour Organization (ILO) (TBC)
14:00—Session IV-C. Tracing the Evolution of Social and Solidarity Economy in Different Local Contexts (IV) (ENG)
Moderator: UNTFSSE (TBC)

Closing Session

15:30—Reporting key messages and insights drawn from parallel sessions (ENG, FR, SPA)
Moderated by Ilcheong Yi, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
  • Tracing the Evolution of Social and Solidarity Economy in Different Local Contexts
  • Institutions and Policies for Scaling and Integrating Social and Solidarity Economy
  • Theories, Concepts and Impact Measurement
  • Social and Solidarity Economy for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
  • Social and Solidarity Economy for Food and Agriculture
  • Social and Solidarity Economy as an Eco-Social Approach for the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Judith Hitchman, Urgenci International Network of Community Supported Agriculture Global (France)
  • Denison Jayasooria, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Laura Ciciarelli, RIPESS
  • Antonella Noya, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

16:15—Plenary discussion (ENG, FR, SPA)
Introduced by Yvon Poirier, Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) and Paul Ladd, UNRISD

The Government of the Republic of Korea (represented by Statistics Korea) and the ILO have provided support for this Conference. The Call for Papers was carried out with the support of seed funding from the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Social Economy and Economic Solidarity of Luxembourg, in addition to UNRISD institutional funds.

An initiative of the UNTFSSE

Organized by